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Integrate UI with contract

Connectting our Interface with our Contract

Contract Functions

The contract has two functions which can be called by our application:

  • read_title
  • set_title

To be able to access these functions, we need the contract details:

"contractId": "greeting",
"networkPassphrase": "Test SDF Network ; September 2015",

This is our deployments.json that indicates the address unique to this contract alone, deployed on the testnet.

Interacting with the contract

To interact with our contract we need to have a wallet on the stellar network, there are a few options but for this we will be using Freighter Wallet.

We will also be working on the test network as this is where the contract was deployed to.

With the above two understood, these are steps to interacting with out contract:

  • Being able to access the network we are working with, usually called a chain
    • The testnet
  • Being able to connect our wallet to the app, to sign transactions
    • In our case the sending of a message
    • Signing simply means to identify its you that carried out that action on the blockchain
  • Being able to read from the blockhain via our contract

Preparing our App

For Nuxt there really isn't any package we can just plug in that would allow us interact with our contract. To do that we will have to work directly with the @stellar/stellar-sdk to create our means of interactions.

Going forward, due to the fact that the principles for our integration interface follow similar processes to react we will take inspiration from soroban-react to create some composables that will make our application work.


  • useSoroban allows us:
    • Define our intial details like:
      • The chain(s) we want our app to support
      • The contract(s) our app will use to talk to blockhain
      • The wallet(s) our app will support
      • And our app name
    • Access variables & functions that enable us:
      • Connect/Disconnect our wallet
      • Sending a messgae
      • Fetch the last message
  • useFetchLastMessage is where we have our last message string stored
  • useRegisteredContract allows us:
    • Choose an available contract from contracts defined in useSoroban
    • Access that contracts details and also makes calls to its public functions
  • useContractID is where will be keeping our contract name which is majorly used by useRegisteredContract

All these composable work together to make the app function.


The code for these composables are available here

Connecting our App

The steps below are how will be creating our app.

Initialize our app with needed data

<script setup lang="ts">
import { testnet } from '@soroban-react/chains';
import { freighter } from '@soroban-react/freighter';
import type { ChainMetadata, Connector } from "@soroban-react/types";

import deployments from "./contract-deployments.json";

const chains: ChainMetadata[] = [testnet];
const connectors: Connector[] = [freighter()];
const appName = "Soroban Demo - Nuxt"

const mySorobanContext = useSoroban();
const getContractID = useContractID();
const lastMessage = useFetchLastMessage();

callOnce(() => {
mySorobanContext.value.chains = chains
mySorobanContext.value.appName = appName
mySorobanContext.value.activeChain = testnet
mySorobanContext.value.connectors = connectors
mySorobanContext.value.deployments = deployments
getContractID.value = "greeting"

title: 'Soroban Demo - Nuxt',

<main class="min-h-[100vh] flex flex-col items-center gap-4 justify-center">
<div class="flex gap-2 justify-center">
<ChainSelect />
<ConnectWallet />

<div class="relative w-80 md:w-1/2 max-w-lg">
<ChatHeader />

<div class="bg-black px-4 pb-4 max-h-[400px] min-h-[200px] overflow-y-auto chat-container rounded-b-lg">
<div class="chat-block">
<div class="chat chat-end">
<div class="chat-header mb-1">Last msg sent via contract</div>
<ChatBlock :key="lastMessage" username="Anon" :msg="lastMessage" />

<ChatFooter />

The SorobanProvider here is a component where we set other initial data needed by the useSoroban composable and run functions in lifecycle events when updates occur. The code for this can be found here

Enable button to Connect/Disconnet Wallet

With the useSoroban composable we now have access to:

  • Functions to connect & disconnect our wallet to/from our app.

  • Our wallet address

<script setup lang="ts">
import { getShortAddress } from '../utils';

const mySorobanContext = useSoroban();

const { disconnect, setActiveConnectorAndConnect, connectors: browserWallets } = mySorobanContext.value;

// toRef to make the address property reactive for the template
const address = toRef(mySorobanContext.value, "address")

const handleConnect = () => {
if (!setActiveConnectorAndConnect) return;

const handleDisconnect = async () => {
await disconnect();

<div v-if="!address">
<button class="btn btn-accent" @click="handleConnect">
Connect Wallet
<p class="text-[0.6rem] text-center mt-1">Freighter only</p>

<button v-else class="bg-primary p-4 rounded-2xl text-black" @click="handleDisconnect">
Account: <span class="font-bold">{{ getShortAddress(address) }}</span>

Enable our select input to Choose Chain/Network

  • With the useSoroban composable we now have access to the chains we defined earlier in our initialization.

  • We are also able to change the chain we want to work with.

<script setup lang="ts">
const mySorobanContext = useSoroban();

const { activeChain, setActiveChain, chains: supportedChains } = mySorobanContext.value;

const selected = ref(activeChain?.name)

watch(selected, () => {
const chain = supportedChains.find((chain) => === selected.value);

if (chain) {
setActiveChain && setActiveChain(chain);
alert(`Active chain changed to ${}`);

<select class="select select-primary" v-model="selected">
v-for="chain in supportedChains"
{{ }}

Calling read_title

  • With the contract name we defined earlier as greeting we can now access the contract details and can call its read_title function.
const getContract = useRegisteredContract();
const contract = getContract.value;

await callOnce(async () => {
if (contract) {
lastMessage.value = await fetchLastMessage(contract)

Sending a message with set_title

  • This component uses the user input as the argument for calling the contract's set_title function
<script setup lang="ts">
import { nativeToScVal } from '@stellar/stellar-sdk';
import { getShortAddress } from '~/utils';

const mySorobanContext = useSoroban();
const address = toRef(mySorobanContext.value, "address")

const getContract = useRegisteredContract();
const contract = getContract.value;

const lastMessage = useFetchLastMessage();

const isSending = ref(false);
const message = ref("");

const handleSend = async () => {
isSending.value = true;

try {
const result = await contract?.invoke({
method: "set_title",
args: [nativeToScVal(message.value, { type: "string" })],
signAndSend: true,

console.log("🚀 « result:", result);
alert("New message published");

lastMessage.value = message.value;
message.value = "";
} catch (e) {
alert("Error while sending tx. Try again…");
} finally {
isSending.value = false;

<div class="bg-black absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-4 w-full rounded-b-lg">
<div class="flex items-center gap-1 my-4">
<div class="h-[40px]">
<ChatAvatar :username="getShortAddress(address)" />

<input type="text" placeholder="Type message here..." class="input w-full rounded-3xl" v-model="message" />

<button class="btn btn-primary rounded-3xl" :disabled="!address || isSending" @click="handleSend">
{{ !isSending ? "Send" : "Sending..." }}


Combining the above components allows us to create a fully functioning dApp.


Nice job finishing this build 👏👏👏

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